
Multiflora Honey is naturally produced by honeybees which feed on the multiple flowers usually in the springtime. The color and flavor can vary, it has a very pleasant aromatic aroma, creamy appearance, and unique flavor of the variety of flower nectar. It has effective anti-cough, anti-flu, anti-cold, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, sedative, and stimulating medicinal properties. Kairalis Multi Flora honey is 100% natural and certified product that has no added sugar, preservatives, additives or colour that ensure you got the quality product and most benefits from it.

Multiflora Honey

DSD Merchandizers ethically keep bees to produce the best raw honey. We partners with responsible, ethical beekeepers & take pride in the ethical treatment of bees. We welcome you to view all of our varieties of honey to find one you will absolutely love.

Wholesale Requirements:
By submitting your wholesale requirement with the DSD Merchandizers (A unit of The Delhi Safe Deposit Co.Ltd.) We will revert to you with details on your email/contact details at the earliest.  Click Here for Wholesale Purchasing Requirements

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